No. 003 Construction of 5 Major Sectors 5大セクター建造中
衛星軌道上 セクター4 2188年
Satellite Orbit | Sector 4
三浦慶太郎: 森村さん
Keitaro Miura: Morimura-san.
森村千尋: 計画は順調?
Chihiro Morimura: Is all going as planned?
三浦慶太郎: こちらは問題解決です
4つのセクターが 最終工程で
残る1つが7割 といった所ですね
Keitaro Miura: All issues have been resolved on my end.
Four Sectors are ready for the final phase.
The remaining one is at roughly 70%
森村千尋: セクター?
Chihiro Morimura: Sectors?
三浦慶太郎: 基本的にコロニーと 同じ構造をしているので
Keitaro Miura: Their structures are similar to these colonies.
So that’s what I've been calling them.
森村千尋: セクターが5つ になるわけね
Chihiro Morimura: So we’ll have five Sectors, then.
三浦慶太郎: 軌道上の 位置ではなく
年代設定による 区分ですけど
…常々尋ねたいと 思っていたのですが
現代の居住区を 作らないのはなぜです?
Keitaro Miura: I've chosen not to divide them based on orbital positions.
Instead, I've separated them by historical eras.
I've been meaning to ask.
Why don’t we create residential district of the present day?
森村千尋: 世界が誤った道に 進むより前から
やり直すべきだと 決まったの
Chihiro Morimura: The decision was made to start over…
…from a time before the world took such a terrible turn.
三浦慶太郎: …ナノマシンの 事故が起こる前に?
Keitaro Miura: Before the nanomachines incidents?
森村千尋: …人類には 早すぎる知恵の実よ…
どこまで戻るか どの時代からが理想か
皆の意見が まとまらなくて…結局
年代を分けた居住区を 用意することで決着した
Chihiro Morimura: …Perhaps humanity tasted the fruit of knowledge too early.
When it was being decided how far we should go back…
…we couldn’t come to an agreement.
So we ultimately settled on preparing residential districts by era.
三浦慶太郎: 私は20世紀の戦前に 住んでみたかったので
どれくらい正確に 再現できているか
Keitaro Miura: I've always wanted to live in the 20th century before the war…
So this works out perfectly.
However, some resources of the era are quite old.
Accurately reproducing them might pose a difficulty.
I don’t think I can do it with confidence.
森村千尋: いいのよ…
文明を継承さえ できれば
Chihiro Morimura: That’s fine.
As long as our civilization survives…
…I’ll be happy.
三浦慶太郎: …完成すれば 一つの居住区に
120万人が暮らす 都市になるわけですね
Keitaro Miura: Once it’s completed, just one district will be the size of a city.
It’ll have a bustling population of 1.2 million people.
森村千尋: 居住区が予定より 増えたので
鞍部先生の方が 少し大変だけど
Chihiro Morimura: We have more residential areas than we originally planned.
Ms. Kurabe’s hands are going to be awfully full.
三浦慶太郎: 計画…きっと 間に合いますよ
Keitaro Miura: I'm sure everything will be finished on time.
I have to get back to work.
森村千尋: 頼みます
Chihiro Morimura: Understood.